U O S S M - C A N A D A  &  M C M A S T E R  U N I V E R S I T Y  P R E S E N T S


We would like to thank our speakers, sponsors and attendees for a successful CME. We had over 460 people from eight countries, including United Kingdom, America, and Germany.

Please see below for the recorded talks.

Bariatric surgery- approaches and benefits
Anas Al-Kassem

Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention- how to evaluate and treat
Aliya Khan

Diabetes and Obesity- effective interventions to optimize care
Muhammad Shrayyef

Depression- how to evaluate and treat
Clare Pain

Connecting the Dots: Understanding how historical trauma led to health inequity for Indigenous people in Canada
Amy Mountour

DVT- when and how to anticoagulate

Mark Crowther

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