How #UOSSM Helped Ahmad Overcome a Brain Injury
Learn about how 8 year old Ahmad became parayzed from an attack in the war, and how UOSSM's teams were able to help him and restore his hopes and dreams.
Read more#ForgottenFamilies
There are millions of #ForgottenFamilies in Syria that are suffering immensely. UOSSM is on the ground working with the internally displaced throughout Syria.
Read moreSyria's Forgotten Families
Even though the bombings have somewhat subsided, millions of internally displaced persons are suffering immensely.
Read moreWhat Comes From the Heart
#UOSSM's Co-Founder Dr.Khaula Sawah gives a heartfelt talk about her experiences in war-torn #Syria. "Now I sit down and think of how my life was transformed, of how my priorities were changed, and what it means to create a change. My intention was not to establish a great organization, nor inspire my community or the people around me. My intention was to do my best and put all my heart into it, and what comes from our hearts penetrates the hearts of those around us and starts a ripple that can break down walls, save lives, and put a smile on the face of a stranger halfway across the world."
Haneen & Farah Triumph Over Pain
This is the story of 2 beautiful little Syrian girls who fought the battle of their lives and won! Their resilience shines in light of what they had to, and continue to endure.
Read moreZERO Hunger in Syria
Malnutrition started appearing in Syria since the crisis began. UOSSM started providing nutrition services in all UOSSM facilities, to screen and treat children with malnutrition. Since 2017 UOSSM provided nutrition services to over 113,000 children under the age of 5. Please support our work!
Read moreChildren 7 and Under Have Known Nothing But War
Children seem to always pay the ultimate price. Syrian children 7 and under have known nothing but war all their lives. Many are asking what can they do to help? Support our work, UOSSM is on the ground providing medical care and relief to those who need it most.
What is the World Waiting For?!
Dr. Amani Ballour, a pediatrician from besieged #Ghouta sends out a plea to any one that will listen and still has "a shred of humanity." Dr. Ballour said, "There are over 400,000 civilians with over 100,000 children. Unfortunately, the pictures of our bloodied, wounded and killed children is not affecting people around the world. What is the world waiting for to help save the 400,000 civilians?”
#SaveGhouta #TogetherForGhouta
Another Day in Ghouta
Watch as one of our staff try to help a family just under attack in Ghouta.
Read moreThe Tragic Story of Awais
This is another tragic story about a child in Ghouta. Awais lost both his eyes in an attack and can no longer see. His life is in danger as well.
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