Eight-month-old Souad was so small; much smaller than the average child her age. But Souad is growing up in a not so average environment, as she was born into the worst humanitarian crisis of our time.
The baby girl was born in a very poor village in northern Syria, with little or no access to medical care. UOSSM's Community Health Workers found little Souad and recognized that she did not look well. Souad was taken to the UOSSM PHC and the nutrition technician screened little Souad for malnutrition. As suspected, the baby girl was suffering from severe acute malnutrition. She only weighed 13 pounds. She didn't even have the energy to crawl or learn.
Souad was placed under a treatment plan. The UOSSM nutrition team educated Souad's mother on the importance of treating malnutrition and she agreed to bring her baby once a week to the center during the entire treatment plan. In just one month Souad gained three pounds. The beautiful baby began to gain strength and even started crawling! After five months of treatment Souad reached a healthy weight of 18 pounds, and is no longer considered malnourished. Souad will continue to strive and grow as she fought and beat the malnutrition that was making her weak.