Dear UOSSM Canada friends and supporters,
The past 7 days have been the most horrific doctors in Aleppo have ever seen. Airstrikes in the civilian neighbourhoods of Aleppo have left:
- 450 Civilians dead and 1600 injured – White Helmets
- 96 Children dead and 223 maimed and injured since Friday- UNICEF
- 2 of the 4 largest hospitals in Aleppo (M2 & M10) have been bombed and are out of service.
“In the five years of this war we have never seen so much trauma and death in our hospitals.” Said Dr. Bakri M.- One of the last remaining Surgeons in Aleppo
UOSSM medical facilities in Aleppo are running dangerously low on supplies/medicines. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT NOW! PLEASE DONATE