UOSSM-Canada Conducts Trauma Response Workshop
On August 11th, UOSSM-Canada conducted a trauma response workshop at the Islamic Centre of Canada facilitated by UOSSM-Canada board member, Dr. Samer Aldandashi, and the Director of the Psychological Trauma Program at Mount Sinai, Dr. Clare Pain. The workshop was attended by a diverse group of professionals and youth working with refugees and interested in providing more culturally-competent care. The workbook is available online for downloading.
UOSSM-Canada Begins Youth Leader Program
A group of ten youth volunteers have joined UOSSM to raise awareness about the Syrian crisis and serve as ambassadors of UOSSM's medical relief work. Youth Leaders will develop core skills has such as leadership, social media campaigning, and community outreach.
UOSSM Launches First Mobile Dental Clinic in Rohingya In partnership with ICNA Relief, UOSSM launched the first mobile dental clinic for the Rohingya refugees. The mobile clinic is fully equipped and prepared to provide dental care to the displaced in Cox's Bazar. The mobile clinic is set to launch and begin operation in the first week of October.
Local Health Committees, UOSSM, Health Directorates, the Local Council and Partner Organizations have First Meeting since Project Launch
The first meeting with project partners of governance structuring in the health sector was held on July 25. Project partners including UOSSM, local health directorates, local partner organizations and local councils attended the meeting. Difficulties, challenges, and outcomes of the project were discussed. The meeting took place three months after the project was launched when local councils identified the urgent need to connect health facilities with local communities and increase cooperation and coordination among workers to structure governance within the health sector.
UOSSM Hosts Eid Celebration for Children in Syrian Camps UOSSM's child protection outreach team has organized a celebration for camp children in Atmeh and Harim Northern Syria. It included activities for education and entertainment with children partaking in singing, acting and talent shows. UOSSM's team also reached the children in hospitals who were not able to join the camp festivities due to illness and provided them with Eid gifts.
UOSSM and the Idlib Health Directorate Will Train 100 Female Trainees in Reproductive Health
UOSSM, in partnership with the Idlib Health Directorate, will train 100 female doctors, midwives, and workers in the field of reproductive health care in northern Syria. The training will follow the protocols of the Reproductive Health team under the direction of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The training sessions will be offered in the Idlib Health Directorate’s Center for Training and Qualification. The trainees will be categorized into four groups of 25 each, and the training will span 25 days over the course of 10 months, where clinical training sessions will be provided. In addition, supervisors will visit the trainees in their places of work to ensure application of the protocols.
UOSSM Participates in #NotATarget Campaign on World Humanitarian Day UOSSM participated in the #NotATarget Campaign sponsored by the United Nations. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness and to call for protection of civilians in war and civil unrest. World Humanitarian Day was on August 19. |
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