Over 20 volunteers dedicated their Sunday, August 21 to sorting donated medical supplies at UOSSM Canada's Oakville warehouse. There were a lot of helping hands, both young and old, categorizing hundreds of different medical supplies. UOSSM Canada would like to thank the kind volunteers for dedicating their time and effort to our cause. We are now ready to ship almost 700 boxes to Syria Monday, August 29.
UOSSM Canada would also like to thank those who kindly provide us with medical supplies: our generous donors as well as the volunteers at Not Just Tourists who collect, sort, and deliver medical supplies to our warehouse. Our work would not be possible without you.
These boxes in the warehouse are sorted, sealed, and ready to ship! |
Ahmed Al-Halabi is a nurse at the M1 hospital in Aleppo. Here, he describes the medical and humanitarian crisis that he is witnessing daily in the besieged city, and relays the story that affected him the most. |
In the UOSSM campaign #SOSMedecinsAlep, medical personnel provide first-hand insight into the situation inside Syria's Aleppo, where the bombardment of civilians and hospitals does not cease. They use short videos to tell the international community about the horrible conditions of healthcare in Aleppo, a city which was under siege by the government for over two weeks. Among the video testimonials are those of Dr. Anas Al Kassem, Chairman of UOSSM Canada, Dr. Ziad Alissa, Chairman of UOSSM France, and Dr. Raphael Pitti, Professor of Emergency Medicine in War Zones, all of whom have had experience working inside Aleppo. Click here to watch these videos. Hospitals in Syria continue to be the target of airstrikes, which is strictly prohibited by international law. In July alone, 43 medical facilities, many at least partially supported by UOSSM, were bombed and put out of service. Not only does this directly kill people, including women and children, but it also diminishes the healthcare available to Syria's civilians by damaging much-needed resources and putting the lives of medical personnel at risk. The hashtag #NotATarget is used on social media to condemn the targeting of medical facilities and raise awareness about this ongoing issue. Click here and here to read UOSSM Canada's recent press releases on hospital bombings.
UOSSM Opens First Cardiac Care Centre in Northern Syria UOSSM opened the first Cardiac Care Center in UOSSM’s Bab Al-Hawa Hospital, providing cardiac care services including echocardiogram and emergency cardiac care with the latest equipment. This is the only cardiac center in the region of northern Syria.
UOSSM Supplies 12 Women's and Children's Hospitals in Northern Syria with Medical Equipment In partnership with Muslim Aid, UOSSM fulfilled the “Support Women’s and Children’s Hospitals” project on June 27 by providing equipment, including incubators and radiant warming beds, to these hospitals. Hospitals in the following areas were supported with this project: Aleppo, Idlib, Hama and Lattakia.
UOSSM Responds to 3 Major Hospitals' Urgent Needs in July UOSSM responded to the call for the urgent need for emergency support of field hospitals. Bab Al-Hawa Hospital received medications and consumables, Al Quds Hospital received one month's salary support for hospital staff in the amount of $52,243, and Thawrat al Karama Hospital was also supported. These hospitals are considered some of the major hospitals in Syria. Thawrat al Karama performs 135 surgical operations, Al Quds provides 214, and Bab Al-Hawa provides 1300 surgical operations a month.
All five departments of UOSSM - Trauma and Hospitals, Primary Health Care, Mental and Psycho Social Support, Medical Training and Qualification, and Research - along with mobile clinics work hard at providing services throughout Syria to those who need it most.
Bab Al-Hawa Hospital (BHH)
 Bab Al-Hawa Hospital (BHH) is one of UOSSM's major initiatives, offering a broad range of specialty, medical and surgical services including general, thoracic, vascular, orthopedic, neurological, urological, opthalmic, maxillofacial, E.N.T., and pediatric surgeries. UOSSM's Bab Al-Hawa Hospital has been flooded with incoming patients as the indiscriminate bombing continues. The staff is working relentlessly to treat every last case. In the last month alone, BHH provided services to a total of 33,840 patients. Among the wide array of services provided, 5871 visited outpatient clinics, 687 had specialized surgical operations, 432 had emergency surgeries, 392 had echo-cardiograms and 403 received dialysis treatments.
Medical Training and Qualification Centre
The UOSSM Medical Training and Educational Center in Bab Al-Hawa offered and hosted several training courses in July:
UOSSM hosted the World Health Organization in July for the second training course in the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP). The course was given to 30 doctors that work in hospitals and primary health care centers in Northern Syria. |
Due to the major shortage of medical staff and in order to save the maximum number of lives possible, UOSSM Medical Training and Education Center provided the ATSG course to 22 trainees.
Mental Health Psycho Social Support Centres (MHPSS) in Ma'arat al-Nouman and Qah
The UOSSM project, "Re-Enablement of Syrian Children With Special Needs", is aimed at supporting children's mental health and was established for children with special needs. This initiative takes place at various UOSSM-supported centers and various schools.The pictures show some of the activities children participate in the Ma'arat al Nou'man MHPSS Center. There is also a MHPSS centre in the village of Qah.

Mobile Clinics
UOSSM's six mobile clinics continue to provide health care services to people in many areas throughout Syria. UNICEF is supporting this project for a period of six months. The clinics provide primary and mental health care in Idlib and Aleppo. Each clinic consists of a doctor, nutritionist, midwife, nurse and driver.
Since 2012, UOSSM has been providing emergency medical relief and healthcare services to the Syrian people affected by the crisis, working primarily inside Syria and with Syrian refugees in Turkey.
- FULLY operates Bab Al-Hawa Hospital; Major Referral hospital in Northern Syria / serves 14,000+ patients and conducts 1,300+ surgeries per month
- Partially supports 120 hospitals and 200 medical points with $13M annually in medications and consumables sufficient to operate 130,000 surgeries
- Treated 825,000+ patients at our 9 primary health care centers and 9 mobile clinics with over 1 million consultations and visits a year
- Delivered 2,872+ newborns at the Bernas Maternity Hospital and other UOSSM specialized maternity centers in one year
Operates 16 Field Hospitals Serves 50,000 patients monthly
Trained 7,100 students in emergency medicine
2,500 patients served